Selasa, Januari 09, 2024


Pura Pucak Bukit Rangda is one of the kahyangan jagat temple in Bali, which serves as a place to pray for safety, well-being, and taksu (spiritual power) of Barong and Rangda. The temple is located on the top of bukit rangda, which means spooky or sacred kepuh forest. The temple is mentioned in the Lontar Purana Jagat Bangsul and Lontar Batur Kalawasan Petak, which tell the story and origin of the temple has a large and sacred kepuh tree that is respected by the local community. 

Situated on a hilltop, Pura Pucak Bukit Rangda offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape, making it a popular destination for both worshippers and tourists alike. The temple is adorned with intricate carvings, ornate statues, and vibrant offerings, creating a visually arresting and spiritually potent atmosphere. 

The architecture and design of Pura Pucak Bukit Rangda reflect the rich cultural heritage and artistic tradition of Bali. The temple's unique blend of traditional Balinese aesthetics and Hindu religious symbolism showcase the island's deep-rooted spiritual beliefs and devotion to the divine. 

Pura Pucak Bukit Rangda is also a place of pilgrimage for many devotees who seek blessings, guidance, and spiritual healing. The temple's holy water springs and ancient rituals are believed to possess great spiritual power, providing solace and enlightenment to those who visit. 

In addition to its religious significance, Pura Pucak Bukit Rngda serves as a focal point for various traditional ceremonies and cultural events. these vibrant celebrations bring communities together and provide an opportunity for the preservation and promotion of Bali's unique customs and heritage. 

The serene and awe-inspiring ambiance of Pura Pucak Rangda offers visitors a profound sense of tranquility and introspection, inviting them to connect with the sacred and transcendental dimensions of life. The temple's serene surroundings and spiritual energy make it a sanctified haven for seekers of inner peace and divine wisdom. 

In conclusion, Pura Pucak Bukit Rangda is a magnificent and spiritually significant temple that encapsulates the essence of Bali's cultural and religious identity. Its architectural beauty, cultural importance, and spiritual essence make it a cherished and revered site for both locals and visitors, embodying the timeless allure and sanctity of Balinese spirituality. 

Hepi life



Sabtu, April 26, 2014

Borobudur Temple

Before entering the Borobudur temple, every visitor is asked to wear batik cloth around the waist as a sign of respect. After putting on the batik, we stepped into the court of the Borobudur temple complex.

Located in Borobudur village of the Magelang regency in Central Java, the Borobudur temple complex is the largest Buddhist temple in Indonesia. it consist of six terrace temple, each featuring three circular platforms whose wall decorated with 2,672relief panels and 504 Buddha statues. The main stupa is located in the centre, crowning each temple, and is surrounded by three circular rows containing 72 perforated stupas. inside is a cross-legged Buddha statue, in the perfect lotus position with mudra (hand pose) and Dharmachakra mudra (turning the dharma wheel).

Kamis, Desember 03, 2009

Pura Taman Ayun

A Beautiful Garden
Bali known as "the island of the Gods, The Last Paradise, is also famous an island of a thousand temples. We find Hindu Holy structure, ranging from small temples for family worship to the huge entire population of Bali.
Taman Ayun is one of the most famous temple in Bali, which literally Taman Ayun means "beautiful garden". Taman Ayun locate in Mengwi District, part of Badung Regency, 30 minute drive northwest from Denpasar.

This temple originally a temple for the royal house the Kingdom of Mengwi, but over time its function expanded until it became a place of worship for the entire populace of Mengwi District. Taman Ayun is one of the oldest temples in Bali, it was built in 1634 CE on the orders of Mengwi frst king, I Gusti Agung Ngurah Made Agung.
Pura Taman Ayun is devided into three spaces: jaba sisi, jaba tengah, and jeroan. The further in we go, the higher the elevation. This is a cosmological symbol: from te lowest space, inhabited by humans, to a holier space where the god reside, and finally to the holiest section, the realm of God Almighty.
Pura Taman Ayun is in active use as asite for rituals and cultural events; it plays an essential role in community life and therefore needs to be preserved. Pura Taman Ayun not only an important cultural heritage site but also a fascinating place to visit.

Kamis, April 02, 2009

Lovina Beach

Lovina Beach is suitable for who need quite place and relaxation. Feel the smell of virgin place of north Bali. Calm waves and black sand you can meet at Lovina beach. Located only four kilometers west of Singaraja, the capital of Buleleng regency, and a ninety-kilometer drive from Denpasar. This resort currently has many restaurants especially those offering seafood, some star hotels, and many good and truly relaxing accommodations

For those without diving licenses, one may get licensed in a matter of a few days of courses in Lovina. The diving enthusiast will probably want to move on to Menjangan Island, Bali's most famous diving site. It is an hour's drive from Lovina where one would then take a 30-minute boat ride onto the island. As part of Bali Barat National Park, Menjangan Island is well known for it's clearest water in the Indonesian archipelago, where you can go diving or snorkeling amongst the coral reefs and fish in the sparkling clear water. Another popular attraction is the dolphin watching. A small traditional boat called, jukung, may be hired form the villagers in the morning to bring us off shore to meet these smart and cute creatures.

Other interesting sites nearby include the Buddhist Vihara in Banjar village, hot springs, and Git Git waterfalls.

Senin, Juli 28, 2008

Low Cost Travel

Backpacker Travel

While there is no definitive answer as to the precise origin of backpacking, its roots can be traced, at least partially, to the Hippie trail of the 1960s and 70s, which in turn followed sections of the old Silk Road. In fact, some backpackers today seek to re-create that journey, albeit in a more comfortable manner, while capitalizing on the current popularity of the green movement. Looking further into history, Giovan Francesco Gemelli Careri has been cited by some as one of the world's first backpackers.

While travel along the old Hippie Trail has been rendered complicated since the early 80s due to unrest in Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran that continues today, backpacking has expanded to most regions of the world. In recent years, the increase of budget airlines and low-cost flights has contributed to this expansion.

Technological changes and improvements have also contributed to changes in backpacking. Traditionally backpackers did not travel with expensive electronic equipment such as laptop computers, digital cameras and PDAs due to concerns about theft, damage, and additional luggage weight. However, the desire to stay connected coupled with trends in lightweight electronics have given rise to the flashpacking trend, which has been in a state of continuous evolution in recent years. Simultaneous with a change in “what” they’re carrying, backpacking is also becoming less and less reliant on the physical backpack in its initial form although the backpack can still be considered the primary luggage of backpackers.

Backpacking is a term that has historically been used to denote a form of low-cost, independent international travel. Terms such as independent travel and/or budget travel are often used interchangeably with backpacking. The factors that traditionally differentiate backpacking from other forms of tourism include but are not limited to the following: use of public transport as a means of travel, preference of youth hostels to traditional hotels, length of the trip vs. conventional vacations, use of a backpack, an interest in meeting the locals as well as seeing the sights.

The definition of a backpacker has evolved as travelers from different cultures and regions participate and will continue to do so, preventing an air-tight definition. Recent research has found that, “...backpackers constituted a heterogeneous group with respect to the diversity of rationales and meanings attached to their travel experiences. ...They also displayed a common commitment to a non-institutionalised form of travel, which was central to their self-identification as backpackers” Backpacking as a lifestyle and as a business has grown considerably in the 2000s as the commonplace of low-cost airlines, hostels or budget accommodation in many parts of the world, and digital communication and resources make planning, executing, and continuing a long-term backpacking trip easier than ever before.

Selasa, Juli 08, 2008

Sanur Bali

Sanur means the passion to visit a certain place. Located in the southern part of Bali, Sanur is famed for its beautiful strip of pure sandy beaches across the coastal line. It is also famed for its’ spectacular sunrises which literally marks a new day in the life of the Balinese. A talented laid back atmosphere is what is unique about the village of Sanur where hospitality is intertwined with the traditions of Balinese culture and religion. The atmosphere from sunrise till sunset provides endless opportunities of discovery into the daily lives of the Balinese, where each corner of the village provides a certain exploration for every visitor. Lines of shaded trees along the roads, a stretch of beach for sunbathing, a strip of shops for shopping and a variety of restaurants for wining and dining, the option is endless in Sanur.

Art lovers will naturally agree that Le Mayeur was famous for his impressionist style and paintings carried the main focus of a beautiful Balinese girl, who became the artists’ wife, Ni Polok. She was a talented Legong dancer. From his painting collection he eventually bought a block of land in Sanur that remains until today as an object of this never ending love story. The pair then handed over the museum to the local government of Bali to maintain, when Le Mayeur past away in 1958, followed by his faithful wife in 1985.

Sanur and Le Mayeur are two inseparable words. Originating from a small fishing village then with the development of arts, Sanur transformed into a tourist destination that introduced the island of Bali to the entire world. It is here that culture was found, it was here that arts transformed, it was Sanur the pioneer of tourism for Bali.

Jumat, Juni 27, 2008

World Tourism

Tourism is travel for predominantly recreational or leisure purposes or the provision of services to support this leisure travel. The World Tourism Organization defines tourists as people who "travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes not related to the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited". Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2006, there were over 846 million international tourist arrivals

Tourism is vital for many countries such as Egypt, Thailand and many island nations such as Fiji, due to the large intake of money for businesses with their goods and services and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services such as cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels and entertainment venues, and other hospitality industry services such as resorts.

Most visited countries

The World Tourism Organization, recognizes ten countries as the most visited in 2006 by number of travellers. Most are on the European continent.

Rank Country Continent International tourist
arrivals (2006)
1 France Europe 79.1 million
2 Spain Europe 58.5 million
3 United States North America 51.1 million
4 China Asia 49.6 million
5 Italy Europe 41.1 million
6 United Kingdom Europe 30.1 million
7 Germany Europe 23.6 million
8 Mexico North America 21.4 million
9 Austria Europe 20.3 million
10 Russia Europe 20.1 million